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Here are the academic and non-academic publications to come out of the Time to Teach about Gender-Based Violence Research project to date. Summaries of most articles are available in the Blog section. Use the Contact section of the website to. request a copy of an article or chapter if it is not available open access.
Academic Publications
Vanner, C. (2020). Education about gender-based violence: Opportunities and obstacles in the Ontario curriculum. Gender and Education, 34(2).
Vanner, C., & Almanssori, S. (2021). ‘The whole truth’: Student perspectives on how Canadian teachers should teach about gender-based violence. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. Advanced online publication. (Open access)
Vanner, C., Shahzadeh, Y., Holloway, A., Mitchell, C., & Altenberg, J. (2022). Round and round the carousel papers: Facilitating a visual interactive dialogue with young people. In C. Burkholder, F. Aladejebi, & J. Schwab-Cartas (Eds.), Facilitating research for social change. Routledge.
Vanner, C., Holloway, A., & Almanssori, S. (2022). Teaching and learning with power and privilege: Student and teacher identity in education about gender-based violence. Teaching & Teacher Education, 116. (Open access)