is a public space that will both provide access to useful GBV teaching resources and create a platform for dialogue and exchange about education about gender-based violence (GBV) in practice. We are so excited to have started this website first by sharing a draft of it the amazing teacher participants in our Time to Teach about Gender-Based Violence in Canada workshop, and think that this is a great space to recognize them and the work they have continued to engage in with us over the course of April 2020, despite our original plans for an in-person teacher workshop - and all the other plans for our personal and professional lives! - being substantially disrupted as a result of COVID-19.
This website has come about as a result of input of high school and some middle school teachers and students from across Canada who participated in the Time to Teach about Gender-Based Violence in Canada research project. It began with interviews with 14 teachers in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia who had taught about GBV issues in their classrooms, followed by participatory workshops with groups of high school students in Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia about their experiences learning about these issues. The student workshops involved students making short films with their recommendations for teachers, which were then watched by teacher participants during the teacher workshop. Teacher participants worked diligently with our research team throughout April 2020 to analyze the research results and create education resources that will help lift up this inspirational teaching and learning community, resulting in this website!
We look forward to continuing to adapt the website to respond to the needs of our community members. Come join us and help teachers across Canada - and the world? - improve young people's understanding of the root causes and effects of gender-based violence.